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Some COVID entrepreneurs

“The roll-up-your-sleeves, can-do, American spirit is not dead yet!” I thought when I readSilvrback blog image that “New businesses in the United States surged during the pandemic.”  The study by Simeon Djankov and Eva Yiwen Zhang at the Petersen Institute notes that new business applications in the US shot up by some 40% during . . .

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May 26, 2021

Rational Choice for Christmas

 American media recently brimmed with venomous headlines cursing disobedient Americans who met their loved ones for Thanksgiving despite the CDC’s Silvrback blog imageCOVID warnings.  “As Americans prepare to gather for Thanksgiving, the world watches with dread and disbelief,”  said the Washington Post in a revealing specimen of . . .

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December 08, 2020

Will "Law-and-Order Minorities" Put Trump Over the Top in 2020?

2020 is when racial identity politics, after creeping up on Democrats for years, finally pounced and ate the party’s entire brain.

  • Example: the startling refusal of Democrats at any level to condemn the nationwide “BlackSilvrback blog image Lives Matter” rioting as an unacceptable form of protest.
  • Example: picking a Vice President . . .

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August 26, 2020

Death versus Dollars

Are U.S. COVID Outcomes Better than Europe?

Silvrback blog imageEurope has taken a much harsher economic thrashing from COVID-19 than the United States while suffering fewer deaths. How you rate the pandemic performance of these two great polities thus depends on how you value dollars versus deaths. Arguably, the U.S. has done better than Europe.

Eurozone real GDP in April-to-June 2020 was 15.3% . . .

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July 31, 2020

What’s Different About This Impeachment?

In the New York Times, Nicholas Kristof offers to explain “What’s Different About This Impeachment” compared to Watergate:  

“The essential difference between Nixon and Trump lies not in their misconduct or in their unsuitability for office, but in the grim refusal of today’s Republican Party to notice . . .

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Posted in: lawtrumpusa

December 15, 2019

Nothing to beat a good (literary) Western, eh?

Jack Schaefer (1949).  “Shane

"He rode into our valley in the summer of '89. I was a kid then, barely topping the backboard of father's old chuckwagon. I was on the upper rail of our corral, soaking in the late afternoon sun, when I saw him far down the road where it swung into the valley from the open plain beyond."

. . .

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Posted in: fictionfilmusa

February 24, 2018

Why Trump?

I try to stay away from overtly partisan political blogging. One more article on why we should loathe or love Donald Trump? Please. Still, it’s hard to resist the odd political observation. There was abundant commentary in late January on the first anniversary of the Trump presidency. The President’s supporters celebrated his . . .

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February 06, 2018


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